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November 2021

During November, our parish remembers those departed loved ones with Memorial Altars with Pictures, Book of Remembrance to inscribe the names of the deceased, and Memorial Masses on All Souls’ Day.

November is the month when we pray for those who have died. How comforting it is for us to have a faith that tells us that our prayers on their behalf are helpful to them. How valuable it is that they can continue to help us from their places in Heaven. We can pray for them when we come to Church.

We live our days as God’s children. We do our best to set a worthy example for our own children and grandchildren to follow. We struggle with our own questions about the meaning of life. We too, look forward to the day when the Lord comes again.

That’s what the month of November is about. We approach the end of the Church year and reflect on the end of time as we know it. As we commend our deceased friends and relatives to the loving mercy of God, we prepare for the time when we follow them. None of us know the day or the hour. All we can do is to live each day worthily.

This month, we can pray for our deceased family members and friends. We can make peace with those we have harmed and pray for the willingness to forgive those who have harmed us. We can live each day, ready for the coming of the Lord, ready for our lack of understanding to be permeated with sure knowledge of God’s love for us.