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September 15, 2024
On September 15, 2024, we celebrated Catechetical Sunday as a Church by having our teachers and catechists blessed at 11 am Mass – This year’s theme focuses on “FINDING CHRIST” – Every year we set aside one specific Sunday to honor all who formally serve as catechists in our parish, that is, those individuals who instruct others in our Catholic faith. Let us honor all who serve as:
- Catholic School Teachers
- Religious Education Teachers
- Special Religious Education Teachers
- O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) Team Members
- Adult Faith Formation Members
This is only the formal list, however. Are you a parent, a grandparent, a godparent? Do you have the responsibility of rearing a child – a teenager – a college-aged son or daughter? If you do – then you are a catechist, too. In fact, your role as a catechist is more crucial than the list above because you are the first teachers of your child in the ways of faith. Children and young people alike learn about the importance of faith by watching those closest to them – by seeing the role that the practice of faith plays out in your life – if you go to Sunday Mass – if you pray as a family, etc. It is much more difficult for a child to learn something that is not being reinforced at home. I remember when I was a teenager my parents always woke me up very early on Sunday morning and told me to go to church even though sometimes, I didn’t feel like going. They were good models of faith to us all. I really encourage parents to please be a good model of faith for your children.
You should ask yourself questions: “How am I doing as a teacher of the faith?” or we all should ask ourselves, “How are we doing as a parish? Where do we need some improvements?” I would like to invite you to please make an effort to go to Mass every Sunday with your family and try to pray together in your family because “The family that prays together stays together.” Let us commit ourselves to be more faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you and bless St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish!
In prayer,
Fr. Paul Cao
Pastor of St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish