The St. Mother Guerin Food Pantry is a ministry that provides food for families in the community who are experiencing a temporary need for assistance. St. Celestine Worship Site hosts this Food Pantry.

“Blessed are you who are hungry, for you will be satisfied.”  – Luke 6: 21

At St. Celestine volunteers work with Sister Johanna Treml, the coordinator. Families or individuals may come once a month for food. The Food Pantry opens from 4 to 6 PM on two Thursdays of the month (check on the “Upcoming Events” at the bottom of this website to find out the next Food Pantry date).

The food pantry can serve people who live in this area: Belmont on the north, North Avenue on the south, Harlem on the east, and Cumberland on the west. CLICK HERE for other food pantry locations.

In September of 1991 we opened the Alvernia Food Pantry (now known as St. Mother Guerin Food Pantry) at St. Celestine Parish. Each month since 1991 we have been able to serve between 50 to 75 families on a regular basis; at times we served more families on an emergency one-time-only basis.

Donations of food are welcome, and can be dropped off at the Pastoral Center or at church. The ushers can assist you. Suggested items to donate: packaged pasta or rice dishes, canned tuna or chicken, cereals, macaroni and cheese, canned fruit and vegetables, small boxes of crackers, small bottles of vegetable oil, small cans of coffee, Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, boxed potatoes, canned pork and beans, spaghetti, spaghetti sauces, cake mixes and frosting, baking mixes, and small canned hams. Gift cards are always welcome, especially those to Jewel, Target, Mariano’s or Caputo’s.

2025 DATES THE FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN – January 16, 23 – February 13, 20