If you have any questions about stewardship or ways to contribute to our parish, please contact our Business Manager, Laurie DePillo, who is happy to hear from you. Call her at 708-453-2555 or email her at lauriedepillo@stguerinparish.org.

Annual Parish Finance Report 2023-2024 (PDF)

Online Giving

We appreciate your prayers, time, and monetary support as we grow together in God. Our parish is using Give Central as a contribution tool to help parishioners contribute online to our Sunday Offertory and special collections. This tool will allow you the option of donating through your checking, savings, or credit card account and the funds will be directly transferred to the parish each month or as you specify. If you are already giving online you will see that the gifts now go to St. Mother Theodore Guerin parish.

Our GiveCentral Account – Online Contributions

GiveCentral FAQ – How to Register

Ongoing and Seasonal Fundraisers / Appeals

“To Teach Who Christ Is” Campaign

St. Celestine and St. Cyprian participated in To Teach Who Christ Is, a capital campaign to benefit important ministries in the Archdiocese of Chicago and parishes, before the parishes combined. We joined with faithful from across the Archdiocese who pledged their commitment to ensure our local Church is strong and vibrant for generations to come.

The St. Celestine To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign ended December 30, 2020. To date, we have completed a ramp and new steps on the Wellington side of the church, a brick project at both entrances, connected the hallway from the church to the gym, repaired the church roof, fixed and repainted the church ceiling, and remodeled and added bathrooms for the church. Roof repairs, steeple refurbishing, and parking lot resealing were completed at St. Cyprian, which finished their campaign before the parishes were combined.