Parish Location – Two Sites
The parish covers parts of Chicago, all of Elmwood Park and all of River Grove, Illinois. St. Cyprian Church in River Grove and St. Celestine Church in Elmwood Park are open as worship sites. The parish office is at the Pastoral Center, 3020 North 76th Court in Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707.
St. Cyprian Church is located at 2601 North Clinton Street south of Grand. You can enter the church from Clinton or through the parking lot on the side. St. Celestine Church is located at the corner of Wellington and 76th Court in Elmwood Park. There are two entrances, one on the 76th Court side, and one on the Wellington side.
The parish school is St. Celestine School, 3017 North 77th Avenue, Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707. It is located north of Wellington Avenue on 77th Avenue.
Parish Office – Pastoral Center – Regular Office Hours
- 3020 North 76th Court in Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707 (708-453-2555)
- The office is temporarily closed on Monday mornings and will be open from 12:30 to 8 PM
- Tuesday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to Noon and from 12:30 to 8 PM
- Friday from 8:30 AM to Noon and from 12:30 to 5 PM
- Saturday from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
- Closed on Sunday
- St. Mother Guerin Food Pantry Open – Two Thursdays a month
Parish Clergy
- Rev. Paul Duy Cao, Pastor
708-453-2555 ext. 5029 – - Rev. Moises Navarro, Associate Pastor
708-453-2555 ext. 5030 – - Most Rev. Jeffrey Grob, Rev. Fil Ngwila, Rev. Stan Ilo, Rev. Kenneth Ekekwe, Resident Priests
- Mike DeLarco, Deacon
708-453-2555 ext. 5031 –
Call Deacon Mike to schedule a wedding at either church. - Rolando Merced, Deacon
708-453-2555 –
Business Manager
- Laurie DePillo
708-453-2555 ext. 5015 –
Contact Laurie for finances, scheduling, and facility use.
Music Ministry
- Craig Kamptner, Director of Music Ministry
708-453-2555 ext. 5016 –
Call Craig with questions about choirs and music for the parish.
Religious Education
- Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Director of Religious Education
708-453-2555 ext. 5017 –
Contact Ruthanne with questions about sacraments, religious education and for adults interested in RCIA. - Mary Murphy, Coordinator of Religious Education for Children and Adults with Special Needs
708-453-2555 –
Please email Mary or leave a phone message if you would like your child or adult with special needs to participate in religious education at St. Celestine.
Youth Ministry
- Fr. Moises Navarro
708-453-2555 ext. 5030 –
Director of Evangelization
- Kim Hagerty
708-453-2555 –
Administrative Assistant
- Lynn Schmidt
708-453-2555 ext. 5010 –
- Eric Mueller, Maintenance Engineer
708-453-8234 ext. 4025 - Bob Vessini, Maintenance Assistant
708-453-8234 ext. 4025
Ministry of Care
- Lois DeFelice, Ministry to the Homebound, Hospitals and Nursing Homes
708-453-2555 –
Email Lois or call the Pastoral Center to leave a message for all requests about hospital and homebound visits.
Bulletin Editor
- Kim Hagerty
708-453-2555 –
Send info in Word with jpgs or pdfs to Kim by 9 AM on the Wednesday ten days before the bulletin date that you would like the information to appear. Items will be used as space permits.
St. Celestine School Staff
Website –
Over 80 years of Catholic Education, 3 year old PreSchool through 8th grade
3017 North 77th Avenue, Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707
Phone: 708-453-8234 – Fax: 708-452-0237
- Sheila Klich, School Principal
708-453-8234 ext. 1023 – - Jennifer Ebervein, School Secretary
708-453-8234 ext. 1011 –
Google Map – Directions
ST. CELESTINE – The church is located at the corner of Wellington and 76th Court in Elmwood Park. There are two entrances, one on the 76th Court side, and one on the Wellington side.
Please see the map below. To find directions from any location to St. Celestine Church, CLICK HERE and open our Google Map in full screen and click on the “directions” button.
ST. CYPRIAN – The church is located at 2561 North Clinton Street, south of Grand Avenue in River Grove, Illinois. There are two entrances, one off of Clinton Street and one through the north side of the church off the parking lot.
Please see the map below. To find directions from any location to St. Cyprian Church, CLICK HERE and open our Google Map in full screen and click on the “directions” button.