Latest Message from Fr. Paul Cao – July 28, 2024

Not available on this Bulletin Edition

Latest Message from Fr. Paul Cao – July 21, 2024

PARISH TASTE – Last June, all of the representatives of different parish organizations come together for a meeting to discuss and prepare for our Parish Fundraising – The Parish Taste which will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 4 to 9 PM.

I am very grateful for so many people coming to that meeting and for their time and hard work to serve our community. This is a great event to enjoy delicious ethnic foods and entertainment. As I recall from last year, many people came and enjoyed being together with good music, many different kinds of ethnic foods such as Filipino, Italian, Mexican, Polish, Vietnamese, and American, bingo, entertainment and so on… Please save the date and invite your friends and families to come to this fundraiser in order to make this event more successful and more joyful. Please pray for good weather.

SUMMER PARISH PICNIC – Next Sunday, July 28, the parish is hosting a picnic at Evans Field between Bloomingdale and Thatcher in River Grove. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy time together beginning at 10 AM. There will be an outdoor mass at 11 AM. I hope to see many families from our parish join us. There will be games and activities for children. I would like to thank the Men’s Club for organizing this event. I would like to encourage the Scouts and the other organizations and their families to join us for this fun time together. I hope to see you at the picnic next Sunday.

May God bless you and your loved ones and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Peace and love,
Fr. Paul Cao
Pastor of St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish