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March 4-5, 2024
Our parish held a Lenten Mission on March 4-5, 2024 led by Father Dominic Clemente – The theme of our mission on the Eucharist was “Become Who You Receive”.
Fr. Dom serves as Pastor of St. Edward Parish. He was born and raised on the Northwest Side, Baptized at St. William Parish, attended St. Celestine Parish and School, St. Patrick High School, and Triton College before entering St. Joseph College Seminary that was at Loyola University in Chicago.
Even though Fr. Dom’s high school dream was to be a Broadway Producer he always felt God calling him to priesthood since he was in seventh grade. While he didn’t always want to answer the call, it was something that stuck with him while growing up. He attributes his call to the witness of good priests in his home parish who made the priesthood look exciting and attractive. Aft er Fr. Dom began college he started thinking and praying about priesthood more and more and eventually decided to enter the college seminary, St. Joseph. With a B.A. in Philosophy, Fr. Dom moved on to the University of St. Mary of the Lake/ Mundelein Seminary in August 2012, where he studied for his Masters in Divinity (M.Div.). He was ordained in 2016.
You can always follow Fr. Dom on social media @frdominicclemente and his website, frdominic.com.