As a member of St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish, ORT Consulting Group Ltd has offered to help our parishioners with their financial needs.
The plan, which was unanimously approved by the Parish Finance Council, is to split fees 50/50 on any accounting, consulting, or tax services for any first time client or existing client who is a parishioner, including their referrals, effective immediately.
ORT Consulting Group also has two locations in Chicago and has been in practice for over 38 years. ORT is open all year from 7 AM to 7 PM Monday to Saturday, and 7 AM to 4 PM Sunday during tax season. After tax season ORT hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday or other times by appointment.
Contact ORT Consulting Group at 773–637–8802 or oscar@ortconsulting.com for more information. Website – https://ortconsulting.com