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March 30, 2024
OUR BEAUTIFUL EASTER VIGIL – I would like to thank so many people for their dedication and service to make our faith community strong and vibrant especially during Lent and the Easter season. Some thanks to:
- The Art and Environment Committee of both churches under the direction of Jolene Wrobel and Jeanne Schneider, and especially all of the volunteers who helped to decorate during the Easter triduum.
- All who served as lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers, ushers, cantors, soloists, and musicians.
- The 7th and 8th graders of our school under the direction of Craig Kamptner who presented the Shadow Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.
- Craig Kamptner and the Adult Choir.
- Jeanne Schneider and the contemporary choir.
- The Fireside Choir including the Murphy family.
- Ruthanne Swiatkowski and the OCIA Team.
- Eileen Lepore, Michelle Doyle and the volunteers for creating a beautiful Labyrinth experience.
- Lois DeFelice for picking up the oil for the parish at the Archdiocesan Chrism Mass.
- The sacristans, Linda Santelli, Patricia Rinella, and Nancy Krzys for making everything run so smoothly.
- Those who donated flowers in memory of their loved ones.
- The additional ministers who assisted with the Easter Vigil.
- The prayerful ministry of Father Moises Navarro, Father Fil Ngwila, Father Ron Navoy, Deacon Mike DeLarco, and Deacon Roland Merced, and the help of our seminarian Tien.
- Lynn Schmidt and her helpers for providing a wonderful reception after the Vigil.
- The generous efforts of the parish staff – on a daily basis!
May God reward you for all your good work!
In prayer,
Fr. Paul Cao
Pastor of St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish