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April 6, 2024
Parishioners GoPublic4Life! – On April 6, 2024, several parishioners joined in the peaceful ecumenical GoPublic4Life Prayer Vigil near the Planned Parenthood on Chicago Avenue. The Vigil consisted of 30 minutes of song, 30 minutes of prayer, and 30 minutes of silence.
GoPublic4Life is a statewide vigil held simultaneously near numerous abortion clinics. Participants peacefully pray for an end to abortion. Hundreds of pro–lifers took part across the state in the late summer and again on April 6. The vigils allow average pro–life Christians to show their support for the Church’s teaching that all life is sacred.
GoPublic4Life hopes that Illinoisans will again support the right to life and dignity for all people, from conception to natural death. We have also emphasized vigils near abortion facilities that are located in communities which the abortion industry has historically targeted but which the pro–life community has under–served, such as the west side of Chicago.