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May 5, 2024
The May Crownings at both churches and the Procession and Ice Cream Social at St. Celestine on Sunday May 5 were a big success. It was good to see so many people at both churches come together to celebrate the Eucharist and to honor Mary. I liked seeing the many parishioners processing along with the priests, deacons, altar servers, and First Communicants, praying the rosary together during the procession at St. Celestine. I really enjoyed walking around the neighborhood to give witness and honor to Mary, our Blessed Mother.
We are blessed to have many good and dedicated people who volunteer at the different events in our parish and May Crowning is one of them.
I would like to thank: Jeanne Schneider and Ruthanne Swiatkowski for helping at the May Crowning at St. Cyprian, the Scouts who helped carry the statue of Mary, the staff of St. Mother Theodore Guerin and especially Lynn Schmidt who organized the Ice Cream Social, the many volunteers who served and otherwise made the Ice Cream Social a tasty event, and everyone who took the time to honor Our Lady as well as to support a tremendous parish tradition.
May our Blessed Mother intercede for us!
In prayer,
Fr. Paul Cao
Pastor of St. Mother Theodore Guerin Parish